The New Culture Movement Favorite 



Sep 15 1915



The New Culture Movement was initiated by Chen Duxiu, Li Dazhao, Lu Xun, Hu Shi, Cai Yuanpei, Qian Xuan and other writers who had received Western education (called the new-style education at the time). It is an ideological and cultural innovation and literary revolutionary movement. The New Culture Movement began with the founding of the "New Youth" magazine, which gathered a large number of progressive literati and promoted democracy and science to refuse feudalism in a variety of literary genres such as novels, prose, and arguments. Among them, the reform of vernacular is a key part. For example, as the founder of Chinese proletarian literature, Lu Xun advocated the abolition of ancient prose, used colloquial vernacular for literary creation, and published China’s first vernacular novel, laying the foundation for later modern Chinese literature.

Posted by Mingke Zhao on

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How does this project help?

Timeframe For change

This culture movement at that time has a clear goal: abolish feudalism and embrace progressive western ideologies. Because of this movement, feudalism was abolished and Marxism has been introduced and adopted by China. From this perspective, it is not a long-term goal like protecting environment or refusing violence and stopping war, however, this culture movement was the step-stone of the development of China, which lasted deep ideological influence.


This movement is successful for Chinese academics and progressive people to make cultural change. Also, it has some limitations because the community failed to attach the worker class and peasants.