Stonewall Protest Action 1 Favorite 



Nov 7 2020


New York NY

This action took place on the Saturday after the 2020 US election when Joe Biden was named the president elect. While many were celebrating, the Stonewall Protests led up to march and remind ourselves + others that our fight was still far from over, and that the Democratic party is not a savior of marginalized populations. There were moments of celebration during the march, we paused in Soho and had a dance circle. Some of the speeches as well expressed joy that Trump was no longer president, while reminding us of our end goal- abolition and liberation. The stakes here are a few things: 1) Reminding people to not "go back to brunch" or think the work is over just because Trump wasn't reelected; 2) Building community with people who have similar political leanings; 3) Protesting against police brutality specifically in NYC, and specifically towards Black people; 4) In a larger sense, fighting for Black trans liberation. The leaders of this march often wear fabulous gowns and heels, and there are several trans and gay pride flags. By taking over the streets, creating a dance circle, marching into Westfield World Trade Center, and delivering speeches on the Christopher Street Piers, it disrupted people's daily activities and celebrations to remind them that this fight isn't over, and that we won't be silent just because there's a democrat for president. The wins here-- having a successful march where no one got arrested or hurt, building community, and gaining press attention.

Posted by allisonelliott on

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