Projeto Axé 1 Favorite 


Jan 1 1990


Salvador Brazil

“Children and youngsters who are invisible to society are made visible through Art”

Projeto Axé is a not-for-profit organisation founded in 1990 in Salvador, Bahia (Brazil), by Cesare de Florio La Rocca, a lawyer and educator from Florence. Its goal is to rehabilitate children and youngsters living on the streets, who are excluded from social and family life, through the use of a unique pedagogical methodology, the Pedagogy of Hopes and Desires.

Since its inception, Projeto Axé has rehabilitated more than 18,000 young people and reintegrated them into schools, families and social settings, with a success rate of around 85%.

Projeto Axé currently works with about 900 children and youngsters from Salvador (divided equally between boys and girls and aged between 4 and 25) through rehabilitation activities including education in Art (music, dance, capoeira, fashion, figurative arts), support for school attendance and reintegration into the families and communities of origin.

The Association Axé Italia Onlus was founded in Florence in 2004 to promote in Italy and other European countries the pedagogical methodology developed by Projeto Axé and to raise funds to support its activities, enabling it to benefit ever more children.
Following the reorganisation and strengthening of the Association Axé Italia Onlus and its management structure, in November 2009 its head offices moved to Rome.

(above text taken from project website)

This is an example of creative activism because it shows how art and artistic practices can be used to transform education and liberate the oppressed through their own learning. Projeto Axé champions the idea that everyone has the right to beauty and the right to creativity.

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