Seed Action Cork 4 Favorite 



Apr 27 2019


Cork City Ireland

As part of the Creativity and Change postgrad course,( we created a street action. It was designed to raise awareness about climate change, and promote Climate Case Ireland, while also inspiring people to think of visions for the future and the actions they might take to avoid climate catastrophe. We wanted to do this in an accessible, creative, fun and interactive way.

We created a ‘wheel of fortune’ with 12 segments to represent number of years we have to act in order to stop runaway climate change. Each segment contained a fact about the local and global impact of climate change. Passers-by were invited to spin the wheel and discuss the fact the wheel landed on. They were then invited to write their vision for the future that countered the reality currently being created. Participants were given a seedbomb and they took a suggestion for an action they could take in exchange. These visions were turned into a poem and shared on social media.

The action was designed to engage the head, heart and hands. People were encouraged to critically engage with the facts. We engaged with people’s hearts by speaking with them, and hearing what they had to say. People used their hands to spin the wheel, and so took an initial action of engagement. Further engagement was encouraged through the suggested actions on tags which people took away and through providing each participant with a seedbomb to plant as a tangible action.

We wanted to people to consider their interconnection with others both globally and locally. We hoped to create a sense of community through connection, developed further by participants reading each other’s comments and visions. The facts were a combination of global and local, which were linked through discussion with participants. Suggested actions were a combination of personal actions and those that held the government and large organisations to account. We want people to see their position, and interconnection with the world and their need to act.

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