One Dress Protest 2 Favorite 



Jan 3 2011



Independent blogger, Kristy Powell, decided to begin a digital action, beginning on January 3rd, 2011 and ending on January 3rd, 2012, where she would wear one dress for an entire year to call attention to the politics of fashion's dominance over our quotidian lives and relationships with our own bodies. The dress was designed by the internationally renown, Uniform Project, a fashion activist group begun by Sheena Matheiken, who wore, beginning on May 2009, the same little black dress and documented digitally different ways to style a single dress, as a statement on sustainability and multi-use, non disposable fashion. Powell, unlike Matheiken, chose to use prose rather than photos, bringing attention less on her appearance and more on the thoughts, emotions and affect that emerged through the process of wearing the same garment for such an extended period of time. While Powell's reasons for engaging in the action are less clear than Matheiken's, her action highlights the ways in which activist projects spawn and inspire further action, and how varied those extensions can be from the original inspiration that sparked them.

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