I'm Every Woman 1 Favorite 


Mar 11 2017


Grand Parade, Cork City

Our Action: We set up “I’m every Woman” as a 3D street installation. It took place on the Boardwalk, Cork City on the weekend of International Women’s week.

Our aims were to promote gender-equality. As a group we identified women as locally and globally dehumanized. We challenged this by honouring women and interacting with people we encountered to celebrate women, both locally and globally.

We wanted to change local perception, by giving a voice to the people of Cork on the day, empowering them to share their appreciation of women.

Statistics: In an effort to open a discussion and encourage people to step into the space, we pasted statistics in an interactive way so that people could guess answers to the questions depicted. Images were also pasted up that challenged stereotypes and showed inspirational women and their achievements.
The statistics helped to engage people, and many were surprised and dismayed by the facts. This enabled them to take part in the interaction, which led to an invisible web of connectivity growing by
generating information from local to global via our facebook link:
“I’m every woman”.
We also asked people to do a simple drawing, by tracing an image from their phone onto acetate. The choices were personal, as well as iconic, and were women they admired – we asked them to write a message with the image to tell us why they had chosen them.
People were delighted that they were included, that their opinions mattered, and that their interaction with the installation connected head, hand and heart learning.

Creativity & Change is about creativity and its power to ignite empathy, passion and learning about our interconnected and interdependent world.
It is about imagining more humane, just and viable ways to live in the world.
It connects how we think, live and act in the world and considers how we can live as connected global citizens becoming part of the changes
we want to see. This programme is for artists, community workers, youth workers, activists educators, volunteers and anyone who is interested in exploring the connection between creativity, learning and change in the world and in nurturing possibilities to grow as connected global citizens.

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