Abler 1 Favorite 



Oct 4 2012


Cambridge, Massachusettes

Sara Hendren is an Enabler. Hendren's writing, research, and "knowledge-building" propels conversations of ability and disability in such a way that activates a creative dialogue as well as provides a scholarly basis for cultural critique.

"Sara Hendren is an artist, researcher, and writer who explores how design and art practices can inform techno-scientific research and knowledge-building. She is the writer-editor of Abler, an online ‘think space’ where art and design are linked together with high and low-tech prosthetics, both practical and speculative, to explore questions about ability, disability, the normalized and medicalized body, and more. Abler juxtaposes posts featuring assistive technologies normally relegated to the field of rehabilitative medicine with questions concerning smart cities, cyborg transhumanism, and the future of democratic communities."

Some of her projects include the "Accessible Icon Project", and "Slope Intercept: A Search for Ramps and Elevations Everywhere".

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