POC Zine Project Presents RACE RIOTS TOUR! Favorite 



Jan 28 2013


U.S. countrywide

This piece is about multiple layered “creative activism”. There is art, activism, and community building.

According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, a zine is a “noncommercial often homemade or online publication usually devoted to specialized and often unconventional subject matter.”

Colorlines explains what zines are:
“Zines (the word comes from ‘magazines’) can be thought of both as the punk ethos’ no-budget answer to the publishing industry — and, also, as a form of shareable ‘viral content’ that predates online social media by decades. Often accomplished with little more than a typewriter or computer, scissors, a glue stick, and a copy machine, zines open self-publishing to everyone.”

POC Zine project curates zine exhibitions, create an archive of zines, provide grants to ziners.

The POC Zine Project defines themselves as an experiment. We can call them a community-organizing group of activists.

They toured throughout the U.S. in 2012 and are schedule to tour in 2013 and as they explain on their website:

1) We’re doing a zine about this tour, so if you were part of any of the events, let us know if you want to contribute by emailing daniela@dcapmedia.com.
2) We’re doing a national conference in 2014.
3) We’re doing a west coast tour in 2013.
4) If you want to be a part of any upcoming POCZP events, let us know.
5) We love you.

Altogether, their motto is “This is an experiment in community and activism through materiality.

More from their website:

POC Zine Project’s mission is to makes ALL zines by POC (People of Color) easy to find, share and distribute. We are an experiment in activism and community through materiality.

POC Zine Project curates a traveling POC zine exhibition, has established an archive, cultivates digital platforms that share POC zines and provides grants, tools and events for zinesters.

We recently completed our first tour through 14 cities in 2012, which included events at 6 universities. Click here for the recap.

Our 2013 Southwest/West Coast tour will take place in 14 cities — more details coming soon!

If you want to help today, please consider donating any amount you can afford to support our events, mini grants for POC zinesters and more.

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